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Common interface for tracing

trait Interface[Out] {
  def apply(operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out

  def apply(activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out

  def apply(parent: Span, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out

  def apply(parent: Span, activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out

  def apply(parent: Option[Span], activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Map[String, TagValue]): Out

  def map[R](f: Out => R): Interface[R]

Tracing typeclass

Tracing[F0[_], F1[_]] defines instruments for building Interface[F1[A]] from F0[A] input.

There is auto derivation of Tracing instances for types that are both cats.Defer and cats.MonadError, like EitherT[Eval, Throwable, ?] or IO.

Activating typeclass

Activating[F[_]] activates given span arround execution F.

/** Run `F ~> F` activating given span. */
trait Activating[F[_]] {
  def apply(
                   span: Span,
                   onClose: Either[Throwable, Any] => Span => Unit = _ => _ => {}
           ): F ~> F

There is auto derivation of Activating instances for types that are both cats.Defer and cats.MonadError, like EitherT[Eval, Throwable, ?] or IO.



com.gihub.fehu.opentracing.trace provides interfaces built from Tracing[Later, Eval]. will execute inmediately while trace.later would wrap traced code in cats.Eval."op", "tag" -> "?") {
  // do something


Is provided for input F0[A] by an implicit class if there is non-ambiguous Tracing[F0[A], ?] instance.

  IO {


def activate[R](span: Span)(r: => R)(implicit tracer: Tracer): R

Defined in package object com.gihub.fehu.opentracing, activate registers given span with Tracer's scope manager before execution and closes the scope in the end.


Implicit syntax for types with instances of Activating.

IO {


Implicit com.github.fehu.opentracing.SpanOps defines more logging syntax for Span.



The actor stores and processes scopes received inside TracedMessage. The received span can be accessed with actorSpan() method (thread usnafe).


  • TracingActor.Activating The actor activates and closes a scope around its receive on receival of TracedMessage.
  • TracingActor.ChildSpan The actor creates a child span on receival of TracedMessage.
  • TracingActor.ActivatingChildSpan The actor creates a child span, activates and finishes it around its receive on receival of TracedMessage.
  • TracingActor.AlwaysChildSpan The actor creates a child span for any message, with no parent if the message didn't contain one.

Package com.github.fehu.opentracing.akka provides syntax for tracing messages sent to actors.


ask(actor, "Hello!")
        .tracing("Introducing", tags =


An re-implementation of akka's LoggingAdapter (uses abstract override) that sends log enties both to original adapter and currently active span.


Compiler plugin that traces implicit searches performed by scalac and reports them to local jaegertracing backend.


  • Put to your build.sbt
    addCompilerPlugin("com.github.fehu" %% "opentracing-jaeger-scalac-implicits" % "0.1.0")
  • Run, for example, all-in-one jaeger backend with docker
  • Compile your project
  • See the traces at http://localhost:16686


git hooks

git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks