
Provides a macro generated implicit instance that converts to/from a value class and its underlying primitive type. Can be used standalone, or with the Play Framework for automatic handling of routes and forms that depend on value class based routes and form fields.


The library comes in two flavors: the standalone version that provides the macro generated implicit materializer; the Play version which adds support for automatic conversion of HTTP routes and form bindings. For users of the Slick database library there's a Slick-dependent version available as well.

// standalone
libraryDependencies += "io.github.godenji" % "isomorphic" % "0.1.7"

// with Play Framework route and form binding support
libraryDependencies += "io.github.godenji" % "isomorphic-play" % "0.1.7"

// Slick standalone
libraryDependencies += "io.github.godenji" % "isomorphic-slick" % "0.1.7"

// Slick with Play Framework route and form binding support
libraryDependencies += "io.github.godenji" % "isomorphic-play-slick" % "0.1.7"

Example HTTP route transformation (Play Framework)

Define your wrapped type:

import godenji.iso.MappedTo

case class PlayerId(value: Long) extends AnyVal with MappedTo[Long]

along with route converter added to your build.sbt project settings:

routesImport += "godenji.iso.bindable.Route._"

then given an http route in your conf file like:

/player/:id PlayerId)

and an http request URI like /player/42, your controller's show method will have a PlayerId(42) available.

Example form binding (Play Framework)

case class Player(
  id: Option[PlayerId],
  firstName: String,
  lastName: String,
  email: String

object PlayerForm {
  import{Form, Forms}, Forms._,
  import godenji.iso.bindable.Form._

  val mapper = mapping(
    "id" -> optional(of[PlayerId]),
    "firstName" -> nonEmptyText,
    "lastName" -> nonEmptyText,
    "email" -> nonEmptyText
  val form = Form(mapper)

For additional uses cases take a look at the tests under bindings and bindings-slick directories.