A Simple Natural Language Processing Library for Scala.
Word Inflector
The Inflector
can be used to generate plural or singular forms for input words.
val word = "world"
val plural = Inflector.pluralize(word)
val singular = Inflector.singularize(plural)
Noun Phrase Extraction
Given some input english text, the Extractor
generates relevant Noun Phrases. This is done by processing the input text using the Apache OpenNLP Utilties.
val extractor = new OpenNlpExtractor()
val inputText = "This is a piece of text. There are several sentences. There may be something about a cotton turquoise dress"
extractor.extractInterestingPhrases(inputText).foreach { phrase =>
This library provides a very simple synonym generator based on WordNet. This requires that the appropriate Wordnet Dictionary files be downloaded, and installed separately.
Synonyms are generated for a given word, when used as a particular Part of Speech.
val synonymProvider = new WordnetSynonymProvider(new"./wordnet/dict"))
val synonyms = synonymProvider.getSynonyms("pullover", PartOfSpeech.Noun)
Building on this generator, and in conjunction with Noun Phrase Extraction, a class is provided to generate Synonym Phrases
val synonymPhraseGenerator = new OpenNlpSynonymPhraseGenerator(synonymProvider)
synonymPhraseGenerator.generateSynonyms("cotton summer dress")
Copyright 2015 Gilt Groupe, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.