A Log4J appender to push log events to a fluentd server.
At the beginning it could be surprising that this project is packaged via SBT (being the codebase mostly in Java). Main
reason is that I am not familiar at all with Maven/POMs. This SBT project comes with the sbt assembly
plugin configured.
The scala version used is 2.11 as this is compatible with Spark.
libraryDependencies += "io.github.elbryan" % "fluentd4log4j" % "1.0"
property | default value | Description |
mdcKeys | "" | The MDC keys (comma separated) that should be added to the log structure. |
tagPrefix | "" | The fluentd tag prefix to be used |
tag | "log" | The fluentd tag to be used in all the log messages sent there |
host | "localhost" | The fluentd server host to where to send the log messages. |
port | 24224 | The fluentd server port to where to send the log messages. |
timeout | 15000 (15s) | The timeout (in milliseconds) to connect to the fluentd server |
bufferCapacity | 1048576 (1Mb) | The socket buffer capacity to connect to the fluentd server |
useConstantDelayReconnector | false | Switch from the default Exponential Delay reconnector to a constant delay reconnector |
log4j.rootLogger=info, fluentd
fluentd configuration
type forward
port 24224
<match ** >
type stdout
If you want to generate the fatjar, simply open sbt and issue assembly
$> sbt
sbt:fluentd4log4j> assembly
This is available in the Apache Licence 2.0 http://www.tldrlegal.com/license/apache-license-2.0-(apache-2.0)