egulias / emailvalidator4scala   0.4

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RFC strict email validator for Scala

Scala versions: 2.11


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Simple RFC compliant EmailValidator for Scala.

Suported RFCs

5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532.

Install it!

EmailValidator4Scala is available on JCenter!!! In your build.sbt file first add JCenter resolver

resolvers ++= Seq(
    "Jcenter" at ""

Then add the dependency

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.egulias" % "emailvalidator4scala_2.11" % "0.4.0"

Getting Started

EmailValidator for Scala is an RFC compliant email validator. Will return a Right or Left result with information about the error.

def validate(email:String): Either[Failure,Success]


A valid email

scala> import emailvalidator.EmailValidator
import emailvalidator.EmailValidator
scala> print (EmailValidator.validate("[email protected]"))

An invalid email

scala> import emailvalidator.EmailValidator
import emailvalidator.EmailValidator
scala>   print (EmailValidator.validate("test(a)[email protected]"))
Left(Failure([1.5] failure: `AT' expected but GENERIC(a,true) found


Released under the MIT License attached with this code in the LICENSE file.