cornerman / scala-quillcodegen   0.2.0


Quill Code Generation from SBT and Mill

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


This is an sbt-plugin and mill-plugin that uses the quill-codegen-jdbc to generate case classes and query schemas from a database schema.

Works with scala 2 and 3.



In project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.cornerman" % "sbt-quillcodegen" % "0.2.0")

In build.sbt:

lazy val db = project
    // The package prefix for the generated code
    quillcodegenPackagePrefix := "com.example.db",
    // The jdbc URL for the database
    quillcodegenJdbcUrl := "jdbc:...",

    // Optional database username
    // quillcodegenUsername            := None,
    // Optional database password
    // quillcodegenPassword            := None,
    // The naming parser to use, default is SnakeCaseNames
    // quillcodegenNaming              := SnakeCaseNames,
    // Whether to generate a nested extensions trait, default is false
    // quillcodegenNestedTrait         := false,
    // Whether to generate query schemas, default is true
    // quillcodegenGenerateQuerySchema := true,
    // Specify which tables to process, default is all
    // quillcodegenTableFilter         := (_ => true),
    // Strategy for unrecognized types
    // quillcodegenUnrecognizedType    := SkipColumn,
    // Map jdbc types to java/scala types
    // quillcodegenTypeMapping         := ((_, classTag) => classTag),
    // Which numeric type preference for numeric types
    // quillcodegenNumericType         := UseDefaults,
    // Timeout for the generate task
    // quillcodegenTimeout             := Duration.Inf,
    // Setup task to be executed before the code generation runs against the database
    // quillcodegenSetupTask           := {},

Setup database before codegen

An example for using the quillcodegenSetupTask to setup an sqlite database with a schema.sql file before the code generation runs:

quillcodegenSetupTask := Def.taskDyn {

The functions executeSql and executeSqlFile are provided for these kind of use-cases and use the provided jdbcUrl, username, and password.



import mill._, scalalib._
import $ivy.`com.github.cornerman::mill-quillcodegen:0.2.0`, quillcodegen.plugin.QuillCodegenModule

object backend extends ScalaModule with QuillCodegenModule {
  def quillcodegenJdbcUrl       = "com.example.db",
  def quillcodegenPackagePrefix = "dbtypes"
  def quillcodegenSetupTask = T.task {
    val dbpath = quillcodegenJdbcUrl.stripPrefix("jdbc:sqlite:")
    os.remove(os.pwd / dbpath)
    executeSqlFile(PathRef(os.pwd / "schema.sql"))