code-star / sbt-azure-functions-plugin   0.4.4

MIT License GitHub

Experimental plugin for sbt to create Azure Function artefacts (function.json) needed to publish code as an Azure Function.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

SBT Azure Functions Plugin

<<TODO: add download link from new location (once moved from bintray)>>

Develop branch: Scala CI

Experimental plugin for sbt to create Azure Function artefacts (function.json) needed to publish code as an Azure Function.

Setup and Usage


in your project/plugins.sbt add sbt-assembly and sbt-azure-functions:

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.10")
addSbtPlugin("nl.codestar" % "sbt-azure-functions" % "<latest version>")

in your build.sbt provide values for the assembly and azure-functions plugins:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))

      // optional: override the zip and/or jar name (defaults are and AzureFunction.jar)
      azfunZipName := "",
      azfunJarName := "ScalaFunctions.jar",
      // you need this dependency to be able to use the annotations
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "" % "azure-functions-java-library" % "1.3.1"


  • sbt azfunCreateZipFile

    This will generate the fat jar that you want to upload to Azure (assembly), and then generates the function specifications (function.json in separate folders for each method that has been annotated with an @FunctionName annotation, and further detailed with @HttpTrigger annotation).

    The azfunCreateZipFile task will automatically trigger the following intermediate tasks that could also be called individually:

    • azfunGenerateFunctionJsons - to make the function.json files (implicitly calls assembly task)
    • azfunCopyHostJson - to copy the host.json file
    • azfunCopyLocalSettingsJson - to copy the local.settings.json file
  • sbt azfunDeploy

    This will deploy the function to Azure, using the azure CLI, which is expected to be available on your path and logged in to the correct Azure Subscription. You will also have to install the app-insights extension to the CLI, by running az extension add -n application-insights

    You can provide the following settings to determine the destination:

    • azfunResourceGroup
    • azfunStorageAccount


  1. add task to upload to Azure
  2. add support for App Insights workspaces
  3. add tests against multiple Java versions (java 8 and Java 11)

Cross compiling and testing

SBT and Scala

Since this is an sbt plugin, it should be usable with multiple versions of sbt. This means it needs to be built and released for different scala versions and different sbt versions. I have not (yet) found a good resource that documents what Scala version is used for each sbt release, except for sbt/sbt#5032, so I am also keeping track here:

SBT release(s) Scala version Remarks
0.x 2.10.x
1.x 2.12.x
2.x 2.13.x or 3.0.x
3.x 3.0.x or 3.1.x

For now, I will focus only on sbt 1.x and Scala 2.12.x

Microsoft Azure Dependencies

This plugin uses artifacts from Microsoft:

  • "" % "azure-tools-common" % "0.10.0"
  • "" % "azure-functions-java-library" % "1.3.1" % "test"

For now I will use these versions


Unit tests

  • sbt clean test

Scripted tests

  • sbt scripted

Releasing (for plugin maintainers)

To release a new version:

  • Get a bintray account and make sure you're a member of the code-star organization.

  • Set your credentials - you can use sbt bintrayChangeCredentials, but when run from the interactive sbt prompt you will not see the requests for username and password. So blindly first type your username, press enter, then paste your API key and press enter again.

    (found a workaround that shows the prompt again: add to build.sbt: ThisBuild / useSuperShell := false)

  • reload to make new settings known to sbt

  • Run sbt release

Update Feb 2021: we started moving away from Bintray. We will start using sbt-ci-release and release to Maven Central.