elastic-scala-httpclient Build Status

Elasticsearch HTTP client for Scala with code generator.

Client version Elasticsearch Scala version
4.0.0 - 6.7.x - 2.11 / 2.12
3.0.0 - 3.2.4 5.2.x - 2.11 / 2.12
2.0.4 - 2.0.6 2.3.5 2.12
2.0.0 - 2.0.3 2.3.5 2.11
1.0.6 1.7.3 2.11
1.0.0 - 1.0.5 1.1.0 2.11

How to use

Add a following dependency into your build.sbt at first.

libraryDependencies += "jp.co.bizreach" %% "elastic-scala-httpclient" % "4.0.0"

You can access Elasticsearch via HTTP Rest API as following:

case class Tweet(name: String, message: String)
case class TweetMessage(message: String)

import jp.co.bizreach.elasticsearch4s._

ESClient.using("http://localhost:9200"){ client =>
  val config = ESConfig("twitter")

  // Insert
  client.insert(config, Tweet("takezoe", "Hello World!!"))
  client.insertJson(config, """{name: "takezoe", message: "Hello World!!"}""")

  // Update
  client.update(config, "1", Tweet("takezoe", "Hello Scala!!"))
  client.updateJson(config, "1", """{name: "takezoe", message: "Hello World!!"}""")

  // Update partially
  client.updatePartially(config, "1", TweetMessage("Hello Japan!!"))
  client.updatePartiallyJson(config, "1", """{name: "takechan" }""")

  // Delete
  client.delete(config, "1")

  // Find a document
  val tweet: Option[(String, Tweet)] = client.find[Tweet](config){ builder =>
    builder.query(termQuery("_id", "1"))

  // Search documents
  val list: List[ESSearchResult] = client.list[Tweet](config){ builder =>
    builder.query(termQuery("name", "takezoe"))

If you have to recycle ESClient instance, you can manage lyfecycle of ESClient manually.

// Call this method once before using ESClient

val client = ESClient("http://localhost:9200")
val config = ESConfig("twitter")

client.insert(config, Tweet("takezoe", "Hello World!!"))

// Call this method before shutting down application

AsyncESClient that is an asynchrnous version of ESClient is also available. All methods of AsyncESClient returns Future.

Addtional requirements

Some methods of ESClient and AsyncESClient need Elasticsearch plug-ins. You have to install following plug-ins into Elasticsearch to use these methods:

Method Elasticsearch plug-in
searchByTemplate elasticsearch-sstmpl plug-in
listByTemplate elasticsearch-sstmpl plug-in
countByTemplate elasticsearch-sstmpl plug-in
countByTemplateAsInt elasticsearch-sstmpl plug-in

Furthermore you have to indicate to enable these methods as follows (In default, these methods throws IllegalStateException):

// Enable xxxxByTemplate methods
  scriptTemplateIsAvailable = true){ client =>


ESClient and AsyncESClient support automatic retry. Give RetryConfig to enable it.

import jp.co.bizreach.elasticsearch4s._
import jp.co.bizreach.elasticsearch4s.retry._

  retryConfig = RetryConfig(
    maxAttempts = 2,
    duration = 1.second,
    backOff = FixedBackOff
  )){ client =>


val client = ESClient("http://localhost:9200",
  retryConfig = RetryConfig(
    maxAttempts = 2,
    duration = 1.second,
    backOff = FixedBackOff

RetryConfig has following parameters:

  • maxAttempts: Max attenpts to retry. 0 means no retry.
  • duration: Duration until next retry. Actual duration is calculated by this parameter and the back off strategy.
  • backOff: FixedBackOff, LinerBackOff and ExponentialBackOff are available.

Code Generator

elastic-scala-codegen can generate source code from Elasticsearch schema json file.

At first, add following setting into project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("jp.co.bizreach" % "elastic-scala-codegen" % "3.1.0")

Then put Elasticsearch schema json file as PROJECT_ROOT/schema.json and execute sbt es-codegen. Source code will be generated into src/main/scala/models.

You can configure generation settings in PROJECT_ROOT/es-codegen.json. Here is a configuration example:

  "outputDir": "sec/main/scala",
  "dateType": "java8",
  "mappings": [
	  "path": "schemas/book.json",
	  "packageName": "jp.co.bizreach",
	  "className": "Book",
	  "arrayProperties": [
	  "ignoreProperties": [
  "typeMappings": {
    "minhash": "String"

See ESCodegenConfig.scala to know configuration details.