sbt-aws-lambda - forked by Beamly
A (hopefully temporary) fork of gilt/sbt-aws-lambda.
The rest of the original README follows below.
sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Lambda
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.gilt.sbt" % "sbt-aws-lambda" % "0.4.1")
Add the AwsLambdaPlugin
auto-plugin to your build.sbt:
sbt createLambda
creates a new AWS Lambda function from the current project.
sbt updateLambda
updates an existing AWS Lambda function with the current project.
sbt-aws-lambda can be configured using sbt settings, environment variables or by reading user input at deploy time
sbt setting | Environment variable | Description |
s3Bucket | AWS_LAMBDA_BUCKET_ID | The name of an S3 bucket where the lambda code will be stored |
s3KeyPrefix | AWS_LAMBDA_S3_KEY_PREFIX | The prefix to the S3 key where the jar will be uploaded |
lambdaName | AWS_LAMBDA_NAME | The name to use for this AWS Lambda function. Defaults to the project name |
handlerName | AWS_LAMBDA_HANDLER_NAME | Java class name and method to be executed, e.g. com.gilt.example.Lambda::myMethod |
roleArn | AWS_LAMBDA_IAM_ROLE_ARN | The ARN of an IAM role to use when creating a new Lambda |
region | AWS_REGION | The name of the AWS region to connect to. Defaults to us-east-1 |
awsLambdaTimeout | The Lambda timeout in seconds (1-300). Defaults to AWS default. | |
awsLambdaMemory | The amount of memory in MB for the Lambda function (128-1536, multiple of 64). Defaults to AWS default. | |
lambdaHandlers | Sequence of Lambda names to handler functions (for multiple lambda methods per project). Overrides lambdaName and handlerName if present. |
An example configuration might look like this:
retrieveManaged := true
lambdaHandlers := Seq(
"function1" -> "com.gilt.example.Lambda::handleRequest1",
"function2" -> "com.gilt.example.Lambda::handleRequest2",
"function3" -> "com.gilt.example.OtherLambda::handleRequest3"
// or, instead of the above, for just one function/handler
// lambdaName := Some("function1")
// handlerName := Some("com.gilt.example.Lambda::handleRequest1")
s3Bucket := Some("lambda-jars")
awsLambdaMemory := Some(192)
awsLambdaTimeout := Some(30)
roleArn := Some("arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/lambda_basic_execution")
(note that you will need to use a real ARN for your role rather than copying this one).
Publishing new versions of this plugin
This plugin uses sbt-sonatype to publish to Gilt's account on maven central
sbt publishSigned sonatypeRelease