bdkent / sbt-eclipsedeplocal   0.1.0

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sbt plugin to rewrite eclipse classpath of a dependency as a local project

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


sbt plugin to rewrite Scala IDE / Eclipse classpath of a dependency as a local project


sbt-eclipsedeplocal adds one main task:

rewrites the .classpath of a given library dependency as a local project


NOTE: requires sbt 1.x

add to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.bdkent" % "sbt-eclipsedeplocal" % "0.1.0")

enable in build.sbt:




The usage of this task is easiest to explain by way of an example:

Let's assume you have two projects, a library (awesome-library) and an app (awesome-app), where the app includes the library.

So awesome-app's build.sbt includes it like so:

libraryDependencies += "" % "awesome-library" % "0.1.0"

You are actively developing both in Scala IDE, so you have both projects open as /awesome-app and /awesome-library.

Using sbt-eclipse's eclipse command, the /awesome-app project will depend on the published artifact (assumedly somewhere in $HOME/.ivy2), not the (unrelated from sbt's perspective) Scala IDE project.

This is where the edlLocalizeDependency task comes in!

The following will rewrite the .classpath in /awesome-app to reference the /awesome-library Scala IDE project instead of the published artifact:

sbt:awesome-app> edlLocalizeDependency  awesome-library

If the Scala IDE's project name is the same as the name of the artifact (which is the case in the example), you can drop the redundant second parameter:

sbt:awesome-app> edlLocalizeDependency

After running edlLocalizeDependency, go back to Scala IDE and:

  1. refresh the affected projects
  2. (probably) run Project -> Clean... -> Clean all projects (to remove whatever Scala IDE is probably caching)
  3. (probably) restart Scala IDE (because it it probably still caching something)


There are a few settings you can set to configure the list of dependencies shown. The default values are shown below:

edlExcludedOrganizations: Seq[String] := Seq("org.scala-js", "org.scala-lang")

if not empty, the list of dependencies will be filtered to exclude the given organizations

edlIncludedOrganizations: Seq[String] := Seq()

if not empty, the list of dependencies will be filtered to only include the given organizations

edlExcludedConfigurations: Seq[Option[String]] := Seq()

if not empty, the list of dependencies will be filtered to exclude the given configurations

edlIncludedOrganizations: Seq[Option[String]] := Seq(None)

if not empty, the list of dependencies will be filtered to only include the given configurations