Functional programming toolkit for building server applications in Scala.
Making great monitoring easy in functional Scala
Scala wrapper over standard RabbitMQ Java client library
Library for exposing gRPC endpoints via HTTP (JSON) API
Library for easy conversion between GPB and Scala case classes.
Structured and contextual logging for Scala
Case-classes representing MD5, SHA1 and SHA256.
Scala Map that uses binary search in memory mapped sorted file. It makes possible usage of data sets bigger than available memory as a Map.
Java/Scala library defining API for metrics publishing
Toolbox for functional programming in Scala using Finally Tagless approach
Syringe - Dependency Injection and Configuration Library from AVAST Software
Library for passing context between threads in multi-threaded applications
Java and Scala abstractions for some compression algorithms.
Library for passing tracing ID between threads in multi-threaded applications
Library with type Done