adevinta / sbt-artifactory-settings   0.3.1


SBT plugin to manage Artifactory configuration from environment variables

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x

Maven Central Travis (.com)


SBT plugin to manage Artifactory configuration for Unicron

Getting started

Following you will find how to configure your laptop environment as well as the project that will use this plugin.

Environment configuration

When running Continuous integration in Travis there are some environment variables already provided that this plugin depends on:

  • ARTIFACTORY_CONTEXT: its value will be something like
  • ARTIFACTORY_USER: With your artifactory user, something like [email protected].
  • ARTIFACTORY_PWD: The artifactory token

The idea is to setup your computer in a similar fashion by providing those environment variables.

If you work with bash you'll need to put them in .bashrc, while if you work with zsh you'll need to modify .zshrc:

export ARTIFACTORY_USER="[email protected]"
export ARTIFACTORY_PWD="artifactory-token"

Project configuration

Given the typical project structure for a Scala application with SBT:

-- project
 |  \-- plugins.sbt
 |-- src
 \-- build.sbt

You'll need to configure project/plugins.sbt and build.sbt as shown below:

project/plugins.sbt is where dependencies on SBT plugins are specified. Please make sure you add the following line:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.adevinta" % "sbt-artifactory-settings" % "<version>")


This is where the project build is configured. You will need to enable the artifactory plugin in the project containing the Scala code for Spark like:

lazy val root = Project(id = "my-project", base = file("."))

Publishing to artifactory

Include the following in your build.sbt to publish libraries to Adevinta's Artifactory:

ThisBuild / publishTo := Some("Artifactory publishing" at artifactoryJvmReleasesPublishResolver.value)
ThisBuild / credentials ++= artifactoryCredentials.value


This plugin provides several settings configured by default, but they can also be customized by the user:

Name Type Description
artifactoryContextEnv String Name for the environment variable holding the artifactory context. Default ARTIFACTORY_CONTEXT
artifactoryUserEnv String Name for the environment variable holding the artifactory user. Default ARTIFACTORY_USER
artifactoryPassEnv String Name for the environment variable holding the artifactory password. Default ARTIFACTORY_PWD
artifactoryContext String Artifactory base URL
artifactoryUser String Artifactory user
artifactoryPass String Artifactory password
artifactoryHost String Artifactory host. Default: Extracted from the artifactoryContext
artifactoryCredentials Seq[Credentials] Credentials for Artifactory
artifactoryJvmResolvers Seq[Resolver] Resolvers for Artifactory dependencies
artifactoryJvmSnapshotsRepository String Repository for publishing JVM snapshot artifacts including the base URL
artifactoryJvmReleasesRepository String Repository for publishing JVM release artifacts including the base URL
artifactoryJvmPublishResolver Option[Resolver] Artifactory repository for publishing JVM artifacts
artifactoryJvmReleasesPublishResolver String Repository for publishing JVM release artifacts
artifactoryJvmSnapshotsPublishResolver String Repository for publishing JVM snapshot artifacts