testbed for refreshing tools in axle release process
- latest released version badge
- ghpagesCleanSite leaving stale HelloMDoc.html
- custom 404
- 404 redirect. Add this to 404.md header:
layout: forward
target: https://cicd.axle-lang.org
- What's writing to
? - generate image during axle-foo test and then move into laika site
- home icon (at top)
- remove .html from links
- google analytics
sbt clean docs/mdoc docs/laikaSite
sbt docs/laikaPreview
then browse to https://localhost:4242
sbt docs/ghpagesCleanSite docs/ghpagesPushSite
Monitor https://github.com/adampingel/axle-cicd/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment of action.
Verify by browsing to the site
Push commits to repo.
Monitor progress of github action.
Confirm jars are present at the sonatype snapshot repo
For example, tag with a version:
git tag -a v0.1.6 -m "v.0.1.6"
git push origin v0.1.6
Monitor progress
Confirm jars are present at the sonatype repo
- Laika
- sbt-site
- sbt-ghpages
- Note the instructions to set up a
- Note the instructions to set up a
- custom domain for github pages
- Note instructions for apex domains
- sbt-sonatype
- sonatype using credentials in
- sonatype using credentials in
- sbt-ci-release