bertrand31/pandore 0.1
📦 The functional files manipulation library Scala was missing
Scala versions: 2.13 -
ist-dsi/scala-designate-client 0.9.2
A pure functional Scala client for Openstack Designate implemented using Http4s client.
Scala versions: 3.x -
p2m2/p2m2tools 0.2.3
Development of bioinformatics tools/software related to P2M2 metabolomics platform activities
Scala versions: 2.13 -
ist-dsi/scala-neutron-client 0.9.1
A pure functional Scala client for Openstack Neutron implemented using Http4s client.
Scala versions: 3.x -
ist-dsi/scala-keystone-client 0.12.2
A pure functional Scala client for Openstack Keystone implemented using Http4s client.
Scala versions: 3.x -
ist-dsi/scala-nova-client 0.10.1
A pure functional Scala client for Openstack Nova implemented using Http4s client.
Scala versions: 3.x -
ist-dsi/scala-cinder-client 0.8.1
A pure functional Scala client for Openstack Cinder implemented using Http4s client.
Scala versions: 3.x -
maif/functional-json 1.0.1-BETA1
Parse and write json the functional way
Scala versions: 2.12 -
maif/thoth 1.1.6
Event sourcing in java with vavr, akka stream and vertx reactive PG driver
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
xebia-functional/xef 0.0.3
Building applications with LLMs through composability, in Kotlin, Scala, ...
Scala versions: 3.x -
sksamuel/tribune 0.92.0
Kotlin 'parse not validate'
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
imrafaelmerino/vertx-effect 1.0.0-RC5
Vertx-effect brings functional effects to the Vert.x ecosystem and is inspired by Erlang’s actor model. Its manifesto emphasizes principles such as maximizing the use of verticles for scalability, maintaining single responsibility for each verticle, and prioritizing simplicity to enhance reliability and ease debugging.
imrafaelmerino/jio 0.2
Jio is a powerful Java library designed to simplify and enhance input/output operations by leveraging the power of expressions and functions
plmuninn/scala-simple-validation 0.1.2
Scala simple validation library
Scala versions: 2.13Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.4 -
4lex1v/macro-experiments 0.1.2
Empowering FP in Scala at compile time
Scala versions: 2.11 -
imrafaelmerino/vertx-mongo-effect 1.0.0-RC4
Vertx-MongoDB-Effect enables interaction with MongoDB in a purely functional and reactive style, seamlessly integrating with Vertx-effect. This library requires familiarity with Vertx-effect, as both frameworks share a foundational reliance on immutability and persistent data structures provided by json-values.
mrdimosthenis/synapses 7.3.1
A group of neural-network libraries for functional and mainstream languages
Scala versions: 2.13 -
imrafaelmerino/json-values 9.0.0-RC1
Json-values allows Java developers to harness the power of persistent data structures when working with JSON data, simplifying complex data manipulation. It provides a purely functional approach to JSON