A Sbt plugin that configures source mapping for Scala.js projects hosted on Github
Make your published artifacts bit-by-bit reproducible, and compare with other certifications
Additional warts for wartremover.
SBT ctags is an SBT plugin that will generate ctags for your Scala project.
Run Scaladoc as unit tests
sbt-web plugin for checksum files
Generate sttp client from openapi specification with ease!
An sbt plugin to organize your build using plain Scala files
Run javap directly from the SBT console
An SBT Plugin to for scalatra
SBT Plugin for Running Checkstyle on Java Sources
SBT plugin to support versioning
RequireJs optimizer plugin for sbt-web
An sbt plugin for adding sounds to task completions
SBT plugin for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and Google Artifact Registry with Coursier support
Export the classpath for Ammonite and Almond
Use JavaCPP and JavaCPP presets with ease. Base plugin for JavaCPP-related projects.
sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Serverless Architecture