Experimental foundation library for Scala focussed on efficiency and clean design
sbt plugin to aggregate tasks across subprojects and their crossScalaVersions
A fork of uPickle, shaded for backwards and forwards compatibility.
Scala DSL for money-related operations
The Codacy Analysis CLI is a command line interface that enables you to execute Codacy code analysis locally.
Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
A visual debugger for Akka actor systems (wip)
Tinkerpop Blueprints Scala
A Scala Kubernetes client library
Kafka client for functional streams for scala (fs2)
Writing application logic for Spark jobs that can be unit-tested without a SparkContext
Compositional music composition using Scala, SuperCollider, and Web Audio.
Interoperability libraries for Shapeless
GeoJSON support for Play's JSON library
A module for the Play Framework to build highly modular applications
Get the name of a type at compile-time. Amaze your friends!
Looping like a pro
The quickest way to add a JSON format to your Play project's case classes
Scala library for memory-efficient data structures
Library for describing binary formats for Scala types