Crypto4S is a library which provides support for encryption and decryption functionality in scala.
Allow your users to query CloudSearch in a way they understand.
Shared library containing the API and messages used in Woken applications
forked from org.apache.bahir:flink-connector-redis_2.11:1.0
Kryo-based serialization for Akka
The Opinionated RabbitMQ Library for Scala and Akka
The Collector - Implement your own scala collections, easily
Utilities for integration between Natchez and Smithy4s
Scala Cloud API
Some akka test utility classes
Simple file downloader library which can display the progress on the CLI
Example of a projects created from bpg/awesome-library.g8 template
Common functionality when working with MongoDb together with Reactivemongo
Java library. Detect top-level selector on the HTML page.
Beangle Serializer Integration
JSON:API document processing for Scala
Submit your play exceptions to airbrake