WOOT model for Scala and JavaScript via Scala.js
Library for generating oozie workflows
Utility for exporting a ScalaCollider UGen graph as GraphViz .dot file. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/ScalaCollider-DOT
Assorted utilities for making testing easier
Dynamic configuration library for Scala
Seed nodes for an akka cluster
Utility for treating value classes as raw values for play-json
A Scala library for exploring and manipulating data trees mixing collection and algebraic data types
Authentication/Authorization framework for use with Play apps
kifi/json-annotation for spray
This is a library that implements a tiny boilerplate for conversion google-api-common to cats-effect
A RawHeader which can be used for akka-http that allows you to censor the .toString method
A template for starting new Scrupal projects
the 64th base of rfc4648
Monadic, tree-based, rewindable logging with progress bars.