Common utilities for scalajs-react
Bloop configuration library
Scala.js react-grid-layout wrapper
Scalacheck integration for munit
Fast, deboxed, specialized data structures for Scala
Functional logging with metadata
Scala.js wrapper for react-copy-to-clipboard
See Tackler-NG for all future development
Gemini locales package for Scala.js
Scalablytyped firebase generated facade with global scope support
Stuff that I see coming up frequently and wanna reuse
An implementation of the Lin-Kernighan heuristics algorithm for the (symmetric) traveling salesman problem (TSP). Mirror of
Roll20 Sheet Framework in Scala
Scala adaptation of the JTransforms FFT library originally written in Java. Mirror of
Scala.js version of scaposer, a GNU Gettext .po file loader for Scala
a scala.js facade to sortable.js lib
Typed JSON without decoding it to a case class
Several extensions to ZIO-Json to speed up migration of projects from Circe to ZIO-Json
Library for use with the `dc10-scala` code generator
testkit for pureharm, based on munit + cats-effect