Haxe Advanced Macro Utilities
Deterministically produce dummy data for use in stubs
Bayesian Optimization library for scala
Slinky wrappers
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/language-detection . Some after-the-fact modifications to get this working within sbt.
A Scala wrapper of jsoup
Java implementation of the matrix exponential method by Al-Mohy and Higham (2011)
Scala adaptation of the JTransforms FFT library originally written in Java. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/Transform4s
Sanscript ported to Java
Mirror repository of graphql-java-codegen(Including customized functions)
Word2Vec Java Port
simple soa annotations for a service's methods
Common Scala utilities used by several weso projects
A Scala implementation of Finnish PIC (Personal Identity Code)("henkilötunnus" in Finnish).
Statsd reporter for codahale/metrics with support to StatsD over UDP and TCP.
Google Closure templates library for Play Framework 2.3.x
All global state-based elements have been removed from Deadbolt 2.6. To ease migration, they are still available through this drop-in library.