This is the set of traits that all Castle Committers must implement
Flexible data validation
Write HTML in Scala. Extend tags and attributes with ease!
This sbt plugin lets you create i18n files and publish them as scala functions.
Simple and Flexible Graph Library in Scala
Nexus Workbench SBT Plugin
Log4cats loglevel Integration
Date Time Range Parser is a natural language events date time interval parser. Written in Scala works with Java.
A referentially transparent FFI to `org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder`
feature toggle by configuration file for scala applications
When Cassandra meets Cats IO, but cutter.
A Scala library for handling failures
A lexical component that can be used to build a parser for a language that has "indentation syntax" or "off-side rule syntax"
OBD library for Scala
Execution engine layer for BOM for Verticals
slf4j being done for scala json problem