Collection of libraries for quantitative and financial computation.
Uses eXist-db's internal mechanisms to upload and sync indexes with Algolia's cloud services
Scala InfluxDB driver
Tiny library which fetches open graph data from the specified URL, powered by akka-http client
Single-Page Applications for Crowdsourcing
:wrench: an sbt plugin to build and run Servlet apps
SBT plugin for running FindBugs on Java classes
Lift Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) support
Infrastructure for working with existing HTML files.
Basic TimePicker that should easily fit into Laminar projects
Elm code generator based on Scala endpoints library (
A native Scala client for interacting with Consul
A set of tools to support a functional programming approach to microservices
Simple scala shim for configuring and running embedded jetty
Deployable Trace4Cats Components