[DEPRECATED] How to send logs from the Play! framework to Graylog
Developer notifications service
Scala (ZIO) interface to Google Cloud Java SDK
JSON in Scala (deprecated)
Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests. The project was inspired by the VCR library for Ruby.
Sbt plugin for RAML route defenition
Consume REST or HTTP endpoints, full control. #Scala http client based on cats-effect and AsyncHttpClient.
Simple SBT server plugin
BSON library with tight ZIO integration
Utils for serialize/un-serialize Scala object to PHP serialized string
Provides various testers for chisel users
Dockerize java applications on mill builds.
An In-Memory Journal for Akka Persistence, useful for unit tests, to avoid one failing test to lead to other failures due to replayed messages.
Scala implementation of ShEx
Playframework filter to redirect http to https
Wrapper around typesafe config.