Shapeless Generic Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Data Types for Scala
The HTTP library for Scala
In-memory Journal and Snapshot implementations designed so they can also be shared between nodes in multi-jvm tests.
Bare Metal Modular Database
Math and statistics utilities
Play Scala wrapper for the Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP API
Small Scala library for viewing a Stream of ScalaFX Images (or Swing/AWT BufferedImages) in a window on-screen
An ElasticSearch extension for Akka
Functional k8s operator framework, in scala
Kamon Google Stackdriver Integration
A Gatling to NATS Connector
A strongly typed interface to interact with Notion using ZIO
Single Fibered Convenience Methods
An SBT plugin for FindSecurityBugs
Data store evolution tool suite. Supports Mysql, Elasticsearch, and Cassandra.
A lightweight, high performance micro-service framework
Read well-known ML datasets in Apache Spark
The wrapper library for executing INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE sql query on Google Cloud Spanner.
Scala.js facades for Mithril.js