sbt plugin for report slow tests
Use Natchez tracing more generically with cats-tagless
Scala microlibrary for getting the name of the enclosing class/object/package.
Code generation tools for Scala
A library to parse Jenkins-like cron specifications with H symbols.
Hack-utility for setting up MDC context in Cats Effect and Monix
pekko-kinesis supports Pekko commponets for AWS Kinesis.
An Edifact parser library written in scala
Configuration wrapper for Scala
Helpers for building a http4s Single Page Application with Scala.js using ES-Modules and Import Maps
FiberLocal Abstractions
Trace4Cats Zipkin Exporters
Dhallj Encoder and Decoder derivation using Magnolia
msgpack4z jawn binding
wartremover warts for scalikejdbc
Scala project providing Gitlab GraphQL model using Caliban
Methods to authenticate with Google services over HTTP
RabbitMq client using Scala and Pekko actors