Simple Scala HTTP model
Middle layer between JavaBeans and shapeless
Play Ebean module
A Scala library for Context-Dependent Environments
Minimal, idiomatic, customizable validation Scala library.
delayed reactions
Enhances Akka with a safer alternative to "ask"
IO module for sbt
The Eldarica model checker
Platform independent reflection for Scala
coursier sbt API and legacy sbt plugins
A functional wrapper around Spark to make it works with ZIO
Static annotations for Kittens for people who don't like to write semiautomatic derivations into companion objects themselves.
Grpcweb support for ScalaPB (Experimental!)
An akka-persistence plugin for Postgresql
OpenGL and SDL2 bindings for Scala Native
This is a specs2 adapter + DSL for using the popular mocking framework JMock
A collection of purely-functional AWS clients for Scala
A functional Scala client for Binance
A VCR testing library for Scala