scala naturalsort algorithm
monix utilities on top of the scala mongo driver, offering collection tailing, etc
sbt firebase firebase-hosting
The quickest way to add a JSON format to your Play project's case classes
Measure backpressure in reactive streams pipelines
Common utility libraries for Scala
Highcharts facade for scalajs-react.
Write events directly to an akka-persistence journal bypassing persistent-actor lifecycle overhead
Standardized Scala factory methods with accumulated error messages
Natchez Rediculous Middlewares
Thin ZIO wrapper around jOOq. Easily mix your existing jOOq code into your ZIO App or Service.
The Management Web App for Blended
Common Scala.js, React.js web UI utilities and components
ScalaTest + JMock provides integration support between ScalaTest and JMock.
A lightweight Scala library collection.
Some optimized Scala collections that I use in several projects