Tools for accessing S3 in a streaming fashion
Custom scalafix rules
SMQD Plugin that serves as Jasper Report Server
Like `implicitly` but for _all_ context-bound typeclass instances, automatically.
❌ This is no longer maintained. ❌ Let-it-crash style ZooKeeper client based on Akka actor
Useful assertions for testing Scala.js
Additional type information when you need it
Akka persistence plugin with no ops for testing purpose
Simulation of the card game UNO
Defines immutable, safe data structures for describing IP addresses, multicast joins, socket addresses and similar IP & network related data types
Swagger Support For Finatra
User interface component library
Property-based testing for Scala
Scala source code formatter. Mirror of
A SBT plugin to use ScalaTest with scripted-plugin to test your SBT plugins
Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 0.11.x)
Extends the pekko-http client with retry logic, error handling, logging and signing