Mirror repository of graphql-java-codegen(Including customized functions)
Common Scala utilities used by several weso projects
A Scala implementation of Finnish PIC (Personal Identity Code)("henkilötunnus" in Finnish).
All global state-based elements have been removed from Deadbolt 2.6. To ease migration, they are still available through this drop-in library.
Moved to: https://gitlab.com/e257/accounting/tackler
sbt plugin for sct
Apache Parquet Java
Typo detector library in Scala
An easy way to deploy your Akka services to a distributed environment.
Flyway configuration adapter for ScalikeJDBC config
Implements an OAuth2 client for Play 2 apps. It allows to use Drops as social provider and tailors the OAuth2 handshake to specific organizational support.
Client library for ipify
A library that contains time related Scala utility classes
Use jooq to build queries and run it a reactive way