pekko-persistence(journal, snapshot, state) plugin for AWS DynamoDB
homebrew your scala native config
A sbt-plugin and mill-plugin to generate scala code for web-components (custom-elements.json)
distributed task execution, scala, workflow orchestration engine
Commons to help build HTTP web apps in a principled way
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Scala
Elasticsearch scala http client based on akka http
Kamon Instrumentation for Akka Remote
Jetty backend for http4s servers
A reasonable library for modeling multi-graphs in Scala
Mercury - modular JSON-RPC for Scala
Scala Structured Patch
A very simple unit testing library for Scala / ScalaJS
Http circuit-breaking for Finagle
Scala wrapper for the VoltDB java client
derive `shapeless.Generic` instances for Java Records and Sealed Classes
Google Pub/Sub integration for Lagom message broker API