Scalacheck generators and arbitrary instances for JSR 354 types
Parse ASCII art diagrams of graphs (nodes and edges)
DEPRECATED - See for something far better.
Embedded InfluxDB for testing
non-official extension library for akka-stream that contains operations like zipWithIndex, Source.fromTry and so on
Google Spreadsheets datasource for SparkSQL and DataFrames
Export spark ml SparseVectors as numpy csr matrix
Scala/Chisel utility methods
A tiny IDL translator that creates IPC shims to easily create interactive problems.
Scala utils for anything and everything
Play FolderMessages plugin
JSR 330 spec implementation for scaldi
A small functional programming library
Mattermost API and more with Scala
A Scala web app routing library for use with Circlet
Unit Of Work logging framework for Scala / Akka