Lift Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) support
A native Scala client for interacting with Consul
Simple scala shim for configuring and running embedded jetty
ScalaTest + TestNG provides integration support between ScalaTest and TestNG.
Support for using of annotated case classes with arbitrary number of traits as Quill domain models
A collection of useful widgets for use with Lift
Linux bluetooth and BLE bindings for scala
Little Scala Range implementation
lift-ng-js is a convenient packaging of AngularJS modules for Lift
A pattern for safe usage of resources. Acts as a Factory and a disposer of instances of a type.
Scala client for Developmentseed's landsat-api
Cornichon - Gherkin integration
Java/Scala API for THRON Platform
higher kinded type-polymorphic collections
Python AST, parser, and quasiquotes for Scala
Flint: practical Spark cluster management