Mackerel Scala API Client
A hackable library for typelevel programming in Scala
:leaves: Play JSON support for ReactiveMongo
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Scala
This is a project to be used in the "Scala and akka in practise" course
scala dsl for moco
Symbol table resolver for the Json serialization of JPL's Ontological Modeling Framework Schema.
Works with HDFS for common operations and Scala compatibility.
A play client to use the orient db http api.
A library for tracing message flows through a stack of Scala applications
Scala Structured Patch
A very simple unit testing library for Scala / ScalaJS
Http circuit-breaking for Finagle
Scala wrapper for the VoltDB java client
This project has been migrated to
Play library offering simple rate limiting of WSClient requests based on application configuration