Terasort-like benchmark for spark 2.x that uses dataframes, saves files in parquet etc for a more realistic testing.
A library to wrap asynchronous Scalaz Validation into custom API types
Test to verify that your project has no log4j dependency
Scala GeoIP lookups
Asynchronous InfluxDB client for Scala
Scalacheck Arbitrary derivation using magnolia
A wrapper for sending Cloudwatch metrics in Scala
Extra WartRemover warts.
Minimalist retry-on-failure behavior for Scala.
RDD based implementation of word2phrase algorithm for Apache Spark
Kamon Log Reporter
Automatic generic derivation for traits
Scala Polyline Encoder and Decoder
A health monitor endpoint for Play applications
Scala.js bindings for Marked, Highlight.js and Tab Override
@logging annotation using scala.meta
A simple message-passing and request-flow library compatible to akka actors for ScalaJVM and ScalaJS
A light-weight Inversion of Control (IoC) tools by Dependency Injection (DI) for Scala.