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Akka Streams Message Hub, an extension to Akka Streams Kafka, is an Akka Streams connector for IBM Message Hub. It is used for publishing and subscribing to Kafka topics as well as managing Message Hub instance.
⚠ This is no longer maintained. ⚠ schemaless byte array complex to Scala type coversion
Ada Extension for PD Biomarker DREAM Challenge
Deprecated tool, please use SampleConfig
A lightweight and re-targetable pure abstract API for algebraic concepts
library base project
Implementation of OMG Canonical XMI 2.5 for the OMG Tool-Interoperability (OTI) API.
Foundational HTTP abstraction layer
Squashpoints sample - domain
CSV data source for Spark SQL and DataFrames
A parser for the opensmiles spec
Data-processing manifest implementation inspired by event sourcing
JSR 330 spec implementation for dipendi
Re-type-checking Scala ASTs
A Simple Cache For Scala