A Jenkins HTTP client
Scala Lorem ipsum generator
Utilities for representing and working with reference genomes
Android View API helper
Generic signal processing types for Scala
HuaweiCloud DIS Flink Connector
Marcin Pieciukiewicz's JSON library for Scala.
❌ This is no longer maintained. ❌ Let-it-crash style ZooKeeper client based on Akka actor
play-json as it was supposed to be — fully automatic generation of serializers
The standard Scala XML library.
Scala.js facade around https://github.com/nodebox/opentype.js
TuffyLite is an open-source MLN inference engine that modifies the original Tuffy solver.
Customise responses to various `-signal_number`s sent via kill to a scala process
OMG Tool-Interoperability (OTI) API parser for OMG Canonical XMI 2.5 serialization.
Sample project for maven publish
Spawn and communicate with JavaScript environments on the JVM