Core library for all the InCal projects containing utility classes, repo interfaces, and shared/common models.
Utils for Scala macros
Scala helper library for rest-driver
Prometheus instrumentation library for Scala applications
Roll20 Core Objects
A Scala Interface to the D3 Leaderboards
Play Framework DB Helper
Helpers for scheduling jobs from Play! on the Tax Platform
Library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names. Scala implementation of Petrovich.
Scala library offering test objects via a fluent interface
Datatypes and refined predicates for XML Name, NCName and QName.
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.
Novel heuristic algorithm for mixed feature selection on large data sets
Sangria MessagePack marshalling.
An opinionated wrapper for the RabbitMQ Java client, in Scala.
Scala common