Cats Effect syntax for logging
Akka extension for tracing message flows within a system of Scala actors
MongoDB / Salat plugin for Play Framework 2.5.x+
Serverless Framework for AWS Lambda and Scala
Constant, linear, exponential and fibonacci backoff functions for Scala
A tool that lists a jar's classes into its manifest. Used to make libraries visible to the Scala interpreter when run as a script engine
ScalaTest + EasyMock provides integration support between ScalaTest and EasyMock.
Just another Scala driver for ArangoDB. Designed to be use with Akka and graph structures
Sample/demonstration project for the Spark layer of BOM for Verticals
한국어 형태소 및 구문 분석기의 모음 KoalaNLP의 Scala 언어용 API입니다.
ubirch device-configuration and -dataflow service
Library for reporting service call traces
A simple and performant N-Triples parser for the JVM
DIS SDK for SparkStreaming
Kamon JMX Integration
A library for generating fake data in scala.
The Lucius REST API based on Spark-Jobserver
Scala to TypeScript code generator
A Scala-style logging library.