A template for starting new Scrupal projects
the 64th base of rfc4648
Utilities for implementing unboxed restrictions of arbitrary types
A simple file cache management. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/FileCache
SHA and Shake for scala
SBT plugin containing common definitions and release workflow for Uqbar's sbt projects
Generate untyped scala.reflect.Manifest instances at runtime from Strings in Scala 2.10, 2.11, 2.12.
Java API client and helper classes for building a SPHERE.IO shop on Play 2.2
kifi/json-annotation for spray
Fork of twitter/chill/chill-scala to build for both Scala 2.10 & 2.11
Pac4J integration with the FitBit OAuth2 API
Run app from Ivy/maven modules
This class implements flexible Scala priority queues using a heap.
Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
UPickle marshalling for spray.io
Kamon Riemann Integration
scala utility library
HDF5 bindings in java