Datatypes and refined predicates for XML Name, NCName and QName.
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.
A sbt plugin which reads project definitions from pom.xml
String/CSV utilities
Scala source code formatter
A runtime type-provider that gives case classes from strings, using standard (but experimental) Scala reflection
An async SSH client
Use JavaCPP and JavaCPP presets with ease. Base plugin for JavaCPP-related projects.
Cassandra Datastax Driver - Scala Integration
A Scala wrapper around Apache Curator to make it non-blocking and Scala friendly
Lift authorization module based on Salat
experiment with your code - DEPRECATED
An In-Memory Snapshot Store for Akka Persistence, can be useful for unit tests.
Wraps the Google Spreadsheet API (v3) for simpler consumption from Scala
Simple OAuth authentication support for Play framework
A simple command to convert Typesafe config (including HOCON) to JSON.
ASCII art. In your SBT console. Can you imagine the possibilites?
A Library for generating row based test data
A JSON serializer for akka-persistence-jdbc