Please use scalate/sbt-scalate-precompiler instead
Parse ASCII art diagrams of graphs (nodes and edges)
Client side load balancer for Play 2 WS module based on Netflix' Ribbon
Sleipnir is a generator of native Scala bindings for Pegasus schemas.
Scala utils for anything and everything
Algebraric Data Type Generator. Generate Pure Java files from EDSL
Play FolderMessages plugin
Scala version of FlashFill for Excel by Gulwani et Al. See
Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
Scala wrapper library for the v2 Forecast API provided by The Dark Sky Company, LLC. Based on
PlayFramework 2.x module to fetch, cache, and display tweets from Twitter
A concurrent reactive programming framework.
"A vocabulary of words to code by"
Avro Scala helper classes: AvroTuple[1-22]
Project for Scalatest agent
ReactiveMongo plugin for Playframework
MAVLink to Scala bindings generation plugin for SBT