A JVM (Scala / Java) implementation of A* (A Star), parametric in the possible states and transitions.
VCF comparison utilities.
Akkamo - modules in Akka
Scala sugar for Jersey (JAX-RS Reference Implementation)
use scala classes as schema definition across different systems
Helpful SBT plugin for cross-publishing libraries with Scalaz
purely functional gitter API client
OpenID integration for Lift.
Purely functional twitter api client
Lift integration with Scalate
Lift integration with Facebook
Scala wrapper for the OrientDB Java API, oriented on functional and typeful programming.
A simple Scala library for no-fuss process runnning.
Upload signed applications to Google Play with a single command
Scala REPL shell for managing WildFly server instances
Lift Java Transaction API integration
A RocksDB storage backend for Akka-Persistence
Replacements for the official phantom-zookeeper and phantom-test artifacts
MongoDB Scala migration manager