Akka http play json support
Cross-Project Protobuf Plugin for Sbt
RDD based implementation of word2phrase algorithm for Apache Spark
Kamon Log Reporter
SBT plugin to find traces of the client or library
Pure functional transformations for the json4s and Play JSON ASTs
Scalable join operators for Apache Spark
Cats typeclass instances for ScalaCheck data types
Macro-based utility to group finch endpoints into controllers
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for Play
a pajama party for your json strings and streamers
Scala code/resource Generator Plugin for xsbt
scala dsl for moco
An sbt plugin for Spotless code formatter/checker
Mackerel Scala API Client
A library for tracing message flows through a stack of Scala applications
Kamon Scala Integration
[DEPRECATED] How to send logs from the Play! framework to Graylog