Scala Swagger Model Generator
Scala plugin that helps you migrate away from exception-based error handling
XML-RPC library written in Scala
Notifier library for integrating Scala apps with the Rollbar service.
SBT plugin that provides common utility functions and configurations
A CSS & HTML DSL for Scala
Scalatra Thymeleaf Support
Library that gives you a reactive way to write IRC bots in Scala
Twitter util / Finagle StatsReceiver backed by Dropwizard Metrics
Scala DSL for unifying JVM property libraries in a type-safe manner
Library for describing binary formats for Scala types
Rest utils for Scalatra
A multitrack sound editor, based on ScalaCollider, and with the ability to algorithmically manipulate the timeline regions.
Image Resizing for Play Framework 2
NOTE: This repo (Salat, simple serialization library for case classes) has moved:
an app to download Scala docs.
This repo is now a fork of --->