A scala-based feature generation and modeling framework
Concise syntax for polymorphic values in Scala 2.x.
Scala DNS implementation with Akka and Netty extension
Native non-blocking client for ZooKeeper with Finagle
Implement Hashids latest v1.0.0
Open source implementation of multi-sets (or bags) for Scala collection
Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala
Sentries - For easy fault handling in Scala programs
Memcached client for Scala
Simple Scala-friendly front-end to SLF4J
Jackson module for Scala
OSGi dynamics made easy - A Scala DSL to master OSGi dynamics
An alternate webdriver implementation based on Scala, Akka and Spray
SBT plugin to ease the launch of Ammonite
How hard could it be to replace SBT?
Apache Solr Client for Scala/Java
The official Riak Spark Connector for Apache Spark with Riak TS and Riak KV
Data interchange for the modern web + mobile stack.
hip cats and git hubs
Thin reactive framework to provide and consume REST services