Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
Lightbend Emoji library — a wrapper around Java's Unicode character handling
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An sbt plugin to create awesome microsites for your project
- #613 - Weird DirectoryNotEmptyException when running makeMicrosite
- #578 - Support customizing layout contents
- #550 - Update docs for GitHub Actions
- #543 - Enable search on small layouts
- #488 - windows character bug when running sbt
- #468 - Leverage library to do file I/O
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Exercises based on the "Functional Programming in Scala" red book (
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A Variant Caller, Distributed. Apache 2 licensed.
- #306 - Update ADAM dependency to 0.26.0
- #305 - Unable to locate file from biallelicGenotyper in jointer
- #303 - Read group dictionary contains multiple samples with identical read group names.
- #290 - distribution does not include the avocado jar files
- #286 - Write original genotype prior to joint genotyping
- #283 - Calling with Avocado using the "hive" range partitioned data
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- #154 - Allow sealed interface
- #149 - Some generated code does not compile with -Xfatal-warnings
- #144 - Does Contraband Generated No-Arg Constructors for Java POJOs
- #130 - use "boxed type".hashCode(value) instead of "boxed type".valueOf(value).hashCode()
- #115 - maven plugin
- #105 - Support for rudimentary optics
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A fuzzy matching string distance library for Scala and Java that includes Levenshtein distance, Jaro distance, Jaro-Winkler distance, Dice coefficient, N-Gram similarity, Cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, Longest common subsequence, Hamming distance, and more..
- #72 - is thread-safe or not?
- #63 - Upgrade to Scala 3
- #57 - Add new phonetic similarity: Double Metaphone
- #52 - Add a
- #35 - Add Junit dependency and tests around .util Java wrapper package
- #34 - Update documentation for package: com.github.vickumar1981.stringdistance.util
Contributing Guide Code of Conductdice-coefficient soundex-algorithm fuzzy-matching jaccard jaro-distance cosine-similarity-scores string-similarity jaro-winkler hamming-distance jaro-winkler-distance jaro soundex sorensen-dice-distance hacktoberfest levenshtein cosine-similarity jaccard-similarity ngram longest-common-subsequence levenshtein-distance -
Idiomatic Scala API for Deadbolt 2
- #62 - Enable/aggregate `test-app-route-comments` project again (?)
- #59 - Consolidate all test applications into a single test app.
- #58 - An Example of Dynamic Handler in Scala and andThen combinator
- #49 - DeadboltActions not working
- #43 - Action composition not working.
- #38 - not found: value restrict
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Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Scala
- #804 - IOException: Is a directory when evaluating expression
- #780 - StackTraceRequest is very slow after version 4.0.2
- #747 - Warning causing evaluation to fail
- #710 - Load classpath only once
- #695 - Add step filter configuration
- #663 - Expr evaluator in Java file: throws ClassNotFoundException: pack.ExpressionXYZ
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A set of connectors for Monix. 🔛
- #962 - All APIs should be lazy
- #774 - Feature: uploads file the s3 api.
- #676 - Scala 3 support
- #673 - Fix redis flaky test
- #668 - Add offset argument to `downloadMultipart` method
- #652 - monix-redis 0.6.0-RC-1 dependent on scalapb
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sbt plugin for adding java agents to projects
- #22 - Putting agent JARs in lib directory
- #15 - Document dependency syntax
- #13 - Support multi-jvm scope
- #11 - Integration with sbt-revolver
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Scala 3 to GLSL transpiler library
- #127 - Can we remove the need for function proxies?
- #124 - Improve import support
- #120 - Add support for opaque types
- #119 - Allow nested named functions
- #117 - Ultraviolet Giter8 template
- #115 - Bug: Deeply nested if statements do not work correctly
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Dapper Style Distributed Tracing Instrumentation Libraries
- #145 - Sample Spring app is broken in Jetty container
- #138 - What do we want to do with Money?
- #119 - Update jackson to 2.9.8 in sample pom.xml
- #105 - Money Cost - Standard package to show cost of adding Money
- #104 - Update Scala versions and library dependencies
- #88 - Remove or update Contributors file
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
- #446 - Error `Expected TermName but got example.MyObject[$]._$_$_$_$`
- #440 - `MemberNotFoundException` when invoking `tpe` on the tree of a java annotation
- #436 - Looks like Scala 3.4.x produces TermRef's to term refinements without symbols
- #434 - `` returns full path on Windows
- #272 - Add a way to render trees and types as Scala code
- #261 - Companions in local scopes
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Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard.
- #6058 - Support for HTTP GET map parameters?
- #6056 - Set Eureka InstanceInfo to endpoint attribute
- #6054 - Add more `TlsProvider` implementations
- #6050 - Add Athenz module
- #6047 - Provide a way to fill the parameter path of an annotated service in DocService
- #6040 - Report a `ReentrantShortLock` that holds a lock for a long time.
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Google Cloud Pub/Sub stream-based client built on top of cats-effect, fs2 and http4s.
- #544 - GoAway Frames Leading to App Errors
- #540 - Operations fail with "connection refused" if uri scheme is missing from config
- #379 - Cross-publish http implementation for ScalaJS
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Copy & Paste Detector plugin using PMD for sbt.
- #23 - Travis CI dropped
- #21 - sbt-cpd pulls SNAPSHOT dependency for pmd-apex
- #20 - Does it support publish reports to sonarqube?
- #16 - How does it work
- #15 - Error log when skipping duplicate files
- #14 - Does cpd4sbt support multiple languages on the same project?
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Play support
- #296 - Java multi-room chat example is broken at least
- #218 - Failed: Default support / should allow disconnecting from a namespace
- #105 - Publish the Scala 2.13 version to Maven Central
- #56 - Extract a akka-http-socket-io module that can be used without Play! framework
- #43 - Cannot run chat example
- #16 - Play 2.7 support
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