Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.
- #5464 - Break down time usage on a per-rule basis
- #5463 - [apex] ApexCRUDViolation - DML Inside of Apex Properties Not Evaluated for User_Mode AccessLevel
- #5457 - Enhance PMD Report with Clear Indicator for Suppressed Violations
- #5456 - [apex] Issue with java dependency apex-parser-4.3.1 but apex-parser-4.3.0 works
- #5455 - UnusedPrivateMethod FP
- #5452 - [java] Suppression comment has no effect due to finding at wrong position in case of JavaDoc comment
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Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM
- #3963 - Streams shared via Flux.publish() replay elements emitted while there are no attached subscribers
- #3954 - FluxPublishOn to detach itself after further requests
- #3948 - Thread interruption flag leaks from BoundedElasticThreadPerTaskScheduler thread into user code
- #3929 - Mistake
- #3925 - Pull Request Policy
- #3920 - Improve scaling behavior of `Mono<Void> and(Publisher<?> other)`
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Offers a `Refreshable` type that operates like a cache of size 1 with a background fiber that periodically refreshes the stored value
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swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
- #12516 - Incorrect Import Statement for Resource Class in Generated Code with Swagger Codegen v3.0.46
- #12515 - Swagger generation issue with @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
- #12512 - Ralf P Carreon
- #12511 - [OPENAPI] [swagger-codegen-maven-plugin] Parameters and responses are copied to components/parameters and components/responses, but not referenced to
- #12510 - Swagger html plugin generates some properties wrongly
- #12506 - [CSHARP] int64 being converted to long correctly but given a float default so won't compile
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Idiomatic Java API for Deadbolt 2
- #122 - Take a look at Java 21 warning
- #120 - Add a CUSTOM type to ConstraintPoint, and allow it to be parameterized with a String.
- #115 - missing class DeadboltActions
- #112 - not found: value restrict
- #98 - AND / OR modes for filters
- #89 - Tracking missing documentation
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This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Java. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our versioned developer docs at
- #43792 - [FEATURE REQ] clientcore, missing feature in http-specs
- #43787 - [BUG] Possible regression `WorkloadIdentityCredential` for `spring-cloud-azure>=5.18.0`
- #43783 - [FEATURE REQ] Sync Vs Async APIs in UserAgent
- #43781 - [FEATURE REQ] mgmt sync-stack, SDK support
- #43777 - [BUG] conflict feed queries with count aggregation return empty results
- #43767 - [feature request]no error log output when storage type wrong
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Java library for sending telemetry data to New Relic
- #320 - Infinite retries on 413 http error
- #314 - Cannot include both dependencies `telemetry-http-okhttp` and `telemetry-core` in `build.gradle`
- #312 - Update release action to use Node 16
- #299 - No exception thrown when Refusing to schedule a batch in Limiting Scheduler, only warning is logged, causing data loss.
- #298 - Impossible to provide executor for scheduler for TelemetryClient
- #287 - Not handled error response codes by BatchDataSender
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Apache Calcite Adapter for Apache Kudu
- #96 - unable to create connection for SSL /TLS enable kudu cluster
- #93 - calcite java.lang.Float cannot be cast to class java.lang.Double
- #90 - using DBCP2 it throws Unsupport rollback error
- #40 - Materialized View
- #10 - DATE column type support
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Stripe Android SDK
- #9858 - [BUG] TextFieldLayoutKt.placeWithLabel, offset(10) is out of bounds [0, 9].
- #9781 - [BUG] Android SDK PaymentSheet Unable To Proceed Adding of Card
- #9760 - [BUG] IllegalStateException: CreateIntentCallback must be implemented when using IntentConfiguration with PaymentSheet
- #9711 - [BUG] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider androidx.startup.InitializationProvider at SDK update to version 20.53.0
- #9659 - [BUG] 3ds window not opening on Android when using payment intent
- #9642 - [BUG] The device name of the payment made from an Android device does not appear on the dashboard
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A Java client to Github API
- #188 - Need Some Issues
- #185 - Bug: Integer Overflow Error During Deserialisation
- #179 - Bug: Accessing shaded OkHttpClient properties from Kotlin fails with `NoSuchMethodException`
- #153 - PEMs downloaded from GitHub App Registration Portal have empty new line
- #112 - Not able to download file which is greater than 1 mb size
- #87 - Add support for v4 GraphQL API
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The Pants Build System
- #21823 - cargo audit workflow has been failing to run since 2023-12
- #21815 - Can't use adhoc_tool with workspace
- #21813 - [golang.cgo_tool_search_paths] started throwing on <ASDF> and <ASDF_LOCAL> placeholders
- #21804 - Terraform cache is not concurrency safe
- #21793 - pants run for nodejs only works if package.json in root directory
- #21785 - `rule_runner.do_not_use_mock` has issues with call-by-name rule calls
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A functional web application framework
- #14 - Create a user guide
- #13 - Add more complex demos
- #10 - Figure out how to force scaladoc to display `rendering.implicits`
- #9 - Installation section in README
- #8 - Routing middleware
- #7 - Compression middleware
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Java library for the Stripe API.
- #1925 - Subscription Json generated using ApiResource.GSON.toJson is not able to get converted in model again using ApiResource.GSON.fromJson
- #1905 - Optimized GraalVM Native Image Support for Stripe Java SDK
- #1846 - API error shadowed by ClassCastException message if error is not a json object
- #1845 - `toJson` fails to create exactly the same json as the Stripe HTTP API
- #1658 - Access to ABA fields in FinancialAddress object
- #1481 - Provide Reachability Metadata
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The official AWS SDK for Java 1.x (In Maintenance Mode, End-of-Life on 12/31/2025). The AWS SDK for Java 2.x is available here:
- #3172 - EKS-Pod ROle is not respected while connecting to SQS using Cross account rol
- #3160 - AWSCredentialsProviderChain should return Exceptions from providers, not just the combined message
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