Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
Page 11 of 258 results
The New Relic Java agent
- #2201 - Handle invokeSuspend edge case in the Weaver
- #2200 - Add Micronaut to the list of supported framework
- #2196 - Java agent uses apdexPerfZone instead of nr.apdexPerfZone on Transaction events
- #2194 - OOTB instrumentation for Kotlin Coroutines
- #2193 - AWS SDK: do not hide HTTP calls
- #2189 - Vert.x-core: allow use of the same listener multiple times
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A E2E test tool for Enceladus. Also general dataframe comparison tool
- #133 - Use absaoss::spark-commons-test SparkTestBase
- #114 - Add Delta output of 2 dataframes
- #112 - Look at how duplicates are handled again
- #111 - Remove implicit Spark from DatasetComparator
- #109 - DatasetComparison default config for manual entry
- #104 - Add schema comparison capabilities
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Exercises about Property-based testing for Scala
- #22 - Remove test class once the library scalacheck-shapeless is updated on scala-exercises
- #20 - Add section on collecting generated test data
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Integration for Trace4Cats and Sttp/Tapir
- #267 - Please provide a basic example for Tapir
- #183 - Build for jdk 11
- #177 - Update to latest trace4cats
- #90 - More flexibility when extracting span attributes from input/output with tapir endpoints
- #82 - Rework `tapir` integration according to the new API
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Libraries with a common API for communicating with network devices using well known industry standard protocols from within the JVM
- #11 - Implement batched ack'ed push subscriptions
- #10 - Consider using *scodec*
- #9 - Fix WSMan integration tests
- #6 - Remove async http client in favour of akka http
- #5 - Allow long-running WinRS commands
- #4 - Interpretation of command result bytes incomplete
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Works with HDFS for common operations and Scala compatibility.
- #18 - Readme no show image build status
- #10 - Expand the support of the hdfs filesystem api
- #7 - Add suport for checksum string verification
- #6 - Add support for checksum string generation
- #4 - Build ghdfs version for each Hadoop client version
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- #81 - Setup a default discovery method
- #79 - Add integration tests for Lagom 1.4.x and 1.5.x
- #78 - Remove maven-4.0.0.xsd
- #54 - Suggest using DNS instead of kube-api on README
- #36 - Report Config errors in similar way as in Play
- #2 - Prefer injected, typed config over Config
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A Scala library for performing retries on actions that might fail.
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Exercises about Circe, yet another JSON library for Scala
- #257 - where to get answers that would pass the 'test' submitted on UI
- #5 - Port Circe section on traversing and modifying data
- #4 - Port Circe Optics section
- #1 - Add category for specials decoders/encoders
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A platform to build and run apps that are elastic, agile, and resilient. SDK, libraries, and hosted environments.
- #70 - Config checker doesn't recognize `akka.persistence.r2dbc.connection-factory.connection-factory-[x]-[y]` properties.
- #63 - Failed: StarvationDetectorSpec
- #16 - create specific power user settings for akka.remote.advanced
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A set of compiler fixtures and assertions for use when making compiler plugins in scala 3.
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct