l-space / l-space

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L-space is a Linked Data graph computing framework written in Scala

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Unlimited Linked (Open) Data, traversing and reading the data multiverse: "Scientia potentia est"

L-space, a graph computing framework for Scala.

L-space is a graph computing framework WIP with a heavy focus towards Linked (Open) Data. The name is inspired by the L-space concept portrayed by Terry Pratchett's Discworld: "Because L-space links every library, it is possible to reach any one of these throughout space, time and the multiverse (Linked Data?)." Travelling through L-space requires knowledge and ability. Hence, steps are defined to instruct the Librarian how to travel.

Getting started

L-space is available for Scala 2.11.x and 2.12.x. To include lspace-core (all core structures and basic implementations (in-memory) of the graph, data-models and traversal-engines) add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "eu.l-space" %% "lspace-core" % "{version}"

Basic minimal import:

import lspace._
import lspace.Implicits.StandardGuide.guide


L-space provides additional modules for remote traversals, parsing io, rest-api templates and tinkerpop-adapters.

  • lspace-parse: parsers for linked data
  • lspace-client: clients to communicatie with other graph(-services)
  • lspace-graph: implementation for persistence and indexing remote (e.g. Cassandra, Elasticsearch, HDFS, ...)
  • lspace-services: basic implementation for a rest service which accepts Librarian queries in Json-LD and returns results in Json-LD
libraryDependencies += "eu.l-space" %% "{lspace-xxx}" % "{version}"


L-space-examples on how to use the project modules in various environments and sample-environments (e.g. Jupyter-notebook with samples)