gilt / sbt-yourkit   0.0.3


Adds YourKit agent to Java packages built using sbt-native-packager

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13


Adds YourKit agent to Java packages built using sbt-native-packager.

The plugin adds the YourKit shared library for a target platform into the package built by sbt-native-packager, and adds the library as an agent at startup.

The YourKit Java Profiler is a profiling tool for memory, CPU, threads, exceptions, and other aspects of your Java VM. See for more details.


  1. Add the following to your project build, e.g. project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("com.gilt.sbt" % "sbt-yourkit" % "0.0.3")
  1. Add the YourKit plugin to your project, e.g.:


Two SBT keys are intended to be customized for your purposes:

Key name Purpose Default value
yourKitAgentPlatforms Shared object target platform Seq("linux-x86-64")
yourKitAgentStartupOptions Startup options for YourKit sessionname=${project_name},

The startup options for the YourKit agent are described at

Overriding at runtime

You can override the behaviour of your packaged application at runtime by setting some environment variables.

Environment variable Purpose
YOURKIT_AGENT_DISABLED If set (to any value), completely disable the agent
YOURKIT_AGENT_STARTUP_OPTIONS If set, overrides startup options provided to agent


The plugin requires SBT >= 0.13.5 (as it is an SBT AutoPlugin). It also requires Java 7+.

Your project should use sbt-native-packager >= 1.0.0 for packaging, and use the JavaAppPackaging AutoPlugin (or some plugin that in turn depends on this). This is standard for packaged applications which run on the Java VM.

Security Note

The YourKit agent opens a TCP port which allows access to the profiling options available in the VM. This should be secured from access by arbitrary people:

  • You can place the running service in a network with appropriate network restrictions, so that only allowed machines can connect to the service.

  • You can add flags to limit the network interfaces on which the agent listens, see some possible options at In particular, the onlylocal option allows connections only from the local machine.


While it would be nice to include support for multiple platforms in the archive, and then choose between them at runtime, this requires some runtime checks in the start script. This is possible, but error-prone without access to the appropriate systems for testing.